Monday, February 17, 2014

Free People Horoscopes. Week Of February 17–23. Gemini.



May 21–June 20

Much of your energy will go toward achieving goals and building up your professional standing after the sun crosses your ambition angle this week and proceeds to hover at the top of your chart for the following month. Your ruling planet Mercury is backtracking in your education sector and being tested by taskmaster Saturn in your competence house. Now’s the time to polish your skills; brush up on a subject you need to know inside and out if you’re going to succeed; rethink your methods; and put your nose to the grindstone to gain confidence in your ability. As the sun falls under the spell of murky Neptune at the end of the week, try to combine your push to accomplish something with your dreams of creative fulfillment or your yearning to pursue a higher calling. Aim for a middle ground between fired-up-to-conquer-the-world-right-this-second and if-it’s-meant-to-be-it’ll-happen-eventually.

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